The best way of life is to run together with a group of like-minded people on the way of pursuing ideals, with a journey full of stories behind, confident footsteps beneath, and a clear direction ahead. And the members of ULI Battery are exactly such a group of people, growing and striving together on the same path towards a better future…

On February 28th, as colorful flags were waving in the factory and music was blasting, the General Manager Sun Jinqiao, as the Commander-in-Chief, deployed the works of the Boron Legion, Lithium Battery Legion, and Service Support Legion after viewing a fragment of “The Bright Sword”. Later, amidst the enthusiastic atmosphere, General Manager Sun Jinqiao, as the Commander-in-Chief, and Advisor Li Xueyan, as the Political Commissar, awarded flags to the Boron Business Unit, Lithium Battery Business Unit, and Service Support Department respectively, and the Iron Army also expressed that they will firmly complete their missions with confidence, determination, and perseverance!

Flag-Giving Ceremony

Giving the Flag

General Manager

Boron Business Unit

Lithium Battery Business Unit

Service Assurance Department

Let us continue to work together, dream of the future, and forge ahead!

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